Tag Archives: The Dougie

The End of The Dougie

Every so often, an urban craze makes its way mainstream.  It’s happened many times over the years, for example remember, “Whoop There It Is” and lately the overuse of the word “wack”?  The most recent crossover is a simple dance called “The Dougie.”

The Dougie is really nothing more than a modified two-step.  But the catchy song that originally accompanied it made it a smash hit for Cali Swag District (no  need to remember their name, you’ll likely never hear it again).  But as is the case, with catchy songs and dances, it became something you see on athletic fields and basketball courts.  Before long athletes everywhere were doing  The Dougie.  Look at John Wall as he was introduced for his first home game for the Washington Wizards.

Eventually, a craze becomes so well known that it’s watered down and of no interest to its initial audience.   I would think that point came when Wolf Blitzer of CNN’s “The Situation Room” did it, not once but twice (most recently on BET’s Soul Train Awards).

Then you have this, Drew Stanton the 4th QB the Detroit Lions have needed this season, doing The Dougie after scoring a touchdown.

May it forever Rest in Peace.

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Posted by on December 5, 2010 in Alba, Basketball, Football, NBA, NFL


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